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Ebola infections with no symptoms are possible. And they could help fight the West Africa epidemic (2014). Washington Post .
Silent Ebola Infections Could Be Key to Controlling Outbreak (2014). Blog by Lauren Ancel Meyers and Steven E Bellan. Huffington Post .
Study: dead zebras in electrified cages show how anthrax spreads in wild (2013). Wired .
HIV epidemics and extra-couple relationships: an interview with Steve Bellan, University of Texas (2013). Medical News .
Till death do us part (2013). The Economist .
Interview on BBC World Radio about HIV transmission in the context of stable relationships (2013).
Outbreak the Game (2012). Science Now .
Researchers Use Game to Change How Scientists Study Disease Outbreaks (2012). National Science Foundation News .
Death, delimited (2009). The Scientist .
Black-backed jackal consuming plains zebra that died of anthrax in Etosha National Park, Namibia (photo credit SE Bellan 2009).
A painting by Alex Beard , as inspired by Steve’s jackal photos.